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>Untether a previously tethered jailbreak using Corona
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>Untether a previously tethered jailbreak using Corona

>These are instructions on how to untether your previously tethered iOS 5.0.1 jailbreak using Corona.

Corona package will allow your 5.0.1 device to install pod2g’s untethered exploits and reboot without requiring an external tool like redsn0w or sn0wbreeze, and without having to restore your device (so you get to keep all your apps, contacts, etc).

  •  Launch Cydia from your Springboard.
  • Select the Search tab at the bottom of the screen.
  • Type Corona into the search field and press to select the Corona 5.0.1 Untether package once it’s found.
  • Press the Install button at the top right of the screen.
  • Press the Confirm button to begin installation.
  • Once installation has completed successfully you can press the large Return to Cydia button.

 You can now reboot your device with an untethered jailbreak!


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