>iPhone theme equiX HD v1.2
- Full animated, transparent and slidable weather window with clouds, rain, snow and moving sun and moon on homescreen
- Very clean and detailed, ultra-fast and highly customizable
- Nearly all buttons, icons and glyphs free placeable like you want it
- 6 pages, each with different backgrounds and page titels
- Switchable, highlighted tabs at bottom
- Icon mask, Lockscreen with Widgets, New UI, themed Apps,
- SBSettings and Lockinfo themes included
- New Keyboard and Theme font included
- Additional Calendar and RSS widgets build-in
- New Respring Wallpaper
- Optinal Analog clocks and a Google Calendar Widget
- Templates for everything
- Supports English, German, French, Spanish, Italian and Dutch for the Date plus a 24h clock.
- Supports English and German Weather conditions on Locksceen
- Supports English, German, French and Dutch Weather conditions on Homescreen
- (plus German Texticons included)
- Detailed Installation Guide with pictures
- Gridlock (paid) to freely place the icons on screen
- Infinidock (paid) or similar to place six springjumps at the dock
- Springjumps (free) for switchable tabs
- Iconoclasm (paid) for the icon layout.
- PerPageHTML (free) for having different backgrounds and widgets on each page
- Purchase and install this theme and needed apps.
- Setup InfiniDock to 6 dock icons.
- Setup Iconoclasm only to this layout: “FiveIRows Improved (by Keyaku)”
- Start the Spingjumps app and enable Page 0 to Page 5.
- Enable this theme at Winterboard and sort your icons for the homescreen like shown. Place the Springjump icons at the dock like shown. For all other pages sort your icons and folders to the left and right windows.
- Start the PerpageHTML app and allocate all six equinoX-pages plus the equinox Spotlight-page to your pages.
Weather, language and clock setups:
NOTE: This theme uses one Clock/Date widget and two different Weather widgets (animated on homescreen and static on Lockscreen)
NOTE: For rewriting the Weather.html use iFile on your iPhone or a simple text editor like “Editor” (on any PC) NOT a HTML editor.
- Find your Location Code here: Weather Location Codes/IDs
For US users: open this webside: Yahoo! Weather – Weather Forecasts | Maps | News , search for your town, then open “Extended Forecast” and now take a look at the adressbar of your browser where you see something like “…USCA1234…” . This is the e. g. the code we need.
- Lockscreen Weather:
Write in this code with iFile on your device or with a text editor on your PC/MAC to this path: Library/themes/equiX.theme/Widgets/Weather/Weather.HTML. You can also change Fahrenheit to Celsius there.
- Homescreen (animated Weather):
Wrtite your location code to var/mobile/Library/PerPageHTML/equiX-Page1/locationHere.js and change “f” to “c” if you want Celsius:
“…var locale = “GMXX0122″; // Enter your zipcode/location code here. var tempUnit = “f”; // f to display fahrenheit, c to display celcius…..”
- Setup another language, a 24h clock or remove am/pm:
Open var/mobile/Libary/themes/equiX.theme/Widgets/Configs/Digital Clock-Configs.js and set everything to true or false like you need it:
“…var DisplayTwentyFourHourClock = false; var DisplayAMPM = true; /*———————————- Display Language Options ———————————-*/ var English = true; var French = false; var German = false; var Italian = false; var Spanish = false; var Dutch = false…”
- German Weather conditions (Deutsches Wetter)
Lockscreen: Ersetze die Datei Weather.html durch die unten angefügte(auch im Order “!Extras!” des Themes vorhanden) und ändere noch deine Location. Für den Homescreen (animiertes Wetter) mache die Einstellungen wie unter Punkt 5 beschrieben:
- The animated Weather conditions on Homescreen supports 4 languages:
Set your language to true and others to false at var/mobile/Library/PerPageHTML/equiX-Page1/locationHere.js:
“…LANGUAGE SELECTION: For English, set both German, Dutch and French to false. ***********var langGerman = true; // German language (true or false) var langFrench = false; // French language (true or false) var langDutch = false;…”
I have only two colored buttons for Mail and Phone but want more ?
Copy the additional buttons you want (allways both icons with and without “@2x”!) from
the attachment or from equiX.theme/!EXTRAS!/equiX More Buttons/…. to equiX.theme/icons/…here….
How can i enable this third/additional window on my homescreen ?
1. If you use the app PerPage+ (Plus!) then simply enable this third window at this app in addition to “equiX-Page1″ or2. Copy the file “Wallpaper.png” from equiX.theme/!EXTRAS!/equiX 3Windows Overlay/…. to var/mobile/Libary/PerPageHTML/equiX-Page1/…here…and respringNOTE: This is not needed if you use the RSS, Calendar, Google Calendar or Pro Calendar Widgets !
How can i enable the Calendar Widget on Homescreen ?
Start PerPageHTML+ and in addition to “equiX-Page1″ allocate also “equiX-Page1 Calendar”to page 1 of your device. The dark window behind is included.That´s all.NOTE: You must have installed PerPage+ (Plus), a paid app from Cydia, the stock PerPageHTML app can´t display two widgets at once.
How can i use the Google Calendar widget ?
1. Download the attached folder, unzip, and copy the complete folder “equiX-Page1 GoogleCal” to var/mobile/Library/PerPageHTML/…here..
2. Start PerPageHTML+ and in addition to “equiX-Page1″ activate also “equiX-Page1 GoogleCal” at Page one of your device.
3. Now open var/mobile/Library/PerPageHTML/equiX-Page1 GoogleCal/Calendar/Calendar.html and search for that code line and write in your own gmail or googlemail adress:
“….onload=”loadCalendar(‘https://www.google.com/calendar/feeds/stevejobs@gmail.com/public/full’, 1)….”
NOTE (Read me completly!):
1. The Background is build-in, so use it with the default homescreen wallpaper
2. It only works with a Gmail or Googelmail account and if you´re using the google calendar
3. It can only work if you made your google calendar PUBLIC (!): Video:
4. It shows up to two current or upcoming appointments of the next 24 hours. If you think it doesn´t work, make sure you have a appointment within this time
5. It automatically refreshes every 30 minutes, so if you delete a appointment in your iphone calendar it can last up to 30 minutes that the appointment is still visible at the widget. But: You can change that refresh time at the last line of Calendar.html from 1.800 (=Seconds) to any other value.
6. This widget shows no birthdays, as google stores birthdays of your google contacts to a extra calendar that can´t made public. If you manually entered birthdays to your calender the widget certainly shows this birthdays.
What is this ProCalendar ?
It´s a combination of the Calendar and the Google Calendar widget. Enable it in addition to “equiX-Page1″ at PerPage+ and set it up to your google calendar (see question above). It shows only one appointment because of the limited space.
How can i enable the RSS Widget on Homescreen ?
Start PerPageHTML+ and in addition to “equiX-Page1″ allocate also “equiX-Page1 RSS” to Page 1 of your device.
NOTE: You must have installed PerPage+ (Plus), a paid app from Cydia, the stock PerPageHTML app can´t display two widgets at once.
How can i change the RSS feeds ?
Open var/mobile/Library/PerPageHTML/equiX-Page1 RSS/Widget.html. You´ll find two lines for
two rss feeds like this:
The first word within quotes is the name of the feed that is displayed at the widget and the second is the rss adress that you can change.
NOTE: Unfortunatly this Reader doesn´t update automaticly, only after a respring, i´ll try to fix that with a next update.
How can i use the Analog Clock ?
Enable one of the two anlog clock themes at WinterBoard
Why are the icons of my Cydia apps unthemed ?
A icon mask can´t theme them but many of them are included.
For all unthemed Cydia apps install the free app “ThemeIconMaker” from Cydia to theme all unthemed icons automatically.
Why isn´t the weather on lockscreen animated ?
It´s possible, but i wanted to avoid any lag or battery draining from the begining.
I can´t find my Calendar, Weather and Clock icon ?
They are transparent, so when you place them over the clock, weather and calendar widgets and press these widgets the apps start. If you can´t find them, disable this theme at winterboard, place your icons first like shown and then enable the theme again.
Why are some stock apple icons unthemed ?
You have a not english (or german) device. Open the “icons” folder of equiX.theme and rename only this handfull of icons to your language, for e. g. “Calendar.png” and “Calendar@2x.png” to “Calendario.png” and “Calendario@2x.png”
NOTE: You need every icon twice there to be displayed, with and without “@2x” !
Why are most or all icons unthemed ?
Start the WinterBoard app and enable the “Summerboard” mode
What´s the font used for this theme ?
Century Gothic (Photoshop)/Heiti K Light (System)
How do i install this Heiti K Light-Font ?
Open equiX.theme/!EXTRAS!/equiX FONT/ and copy the complete folder “Heiti K Light.font” to /var/mobile/Library/MyFonts/…here… Then start the app BytaFont, press “Basic” and enable “Heiti K Light”.
How do i enable the Keyboard ?
You need the paid app ColorKeyboard. Start Settings/ColorKeyboard/Select Themes and
enable the equiX Keyboard – go back, press “save” and respring.
How do i enable the Lockinfo theme ?
Start Settings/LockInfo/Apperance/Select Default Theme/ and enable “equiX Lockinfo Theme”
How do i enable the SBSettings theme ?
Start SBSettings/More/SBSettings Theme/ and enable “equiX SBSettings”
I have the stock iOS clock on my Lockscreen, how can i remove it ?
Install Lockscreen Clock Hide (free at Cydia) or use a function of the paid app “LockInfo”.
My Clock icon is unthemed ?
Rename the icon to your language or uninstall the LiveClock app
Can you explain again all things related to the ICONS ?
1. All icons are stored at the folder “Icons” of this theme. After a respring they work. You can add or replace every Icon at this folder.2. All icons must be stored twice there (a Winterboard bug). One icon must be named with “@2x”, e. g. “iPod.png” and “iPod@2x.png”. The icons from here or from the Extras folder of your theme are tested, named correctly and work.3. The @2x defines a HD icon (=double size) and is only used on your Retina-device. The other icon without that “@2x” can be any graphics, size doesnt matter, it can even be blank, as long as it´s named right and stored at the same icons folder. So it´s possible to simply make a copy of a HD icon and delete the “@2x”
4. iOS is based on OSX (Mac). Other than Windows iOS and OSX differs between upper and lower case file names. If you name only one icon wrong, e.g ipod.png and iPod@2x.png it DOESN´T work
Icons for AppStore apps are themed with the build-in icon mask. This mask allways works if there is no icon for this app stored at the “icons” folder of a theme.Icon masks never work on Cydia apps. This theme includes some Bundle Folders for some Cydia app icons (another method to theme icons). For all other unthemed Cydia app icons use the freeware TIM 5. The glyphs for the springjumps are stored different, at springjumps bundle folders: var/mobile/Library/Themes/equiX.theme/Bundles/jp.ashikase.springjumps.0…./..here…
You can download equiX theme for iPhone HERE !
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