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>Installing Custom Boot Animations on your Android Device
Warning: Parameter 1 to wp_default_scripts() expected to be a reference, value given in /home/vhosts/modern-smartphone.6te.net/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 486

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>Installing Custom Boot Animations on your Android Device


How to Install Custom Boot Animations on your Device

  •  You have to be rooted in order to do this.
  •  Download Root Explorer from Here.
  •  Rename downloaded .zip to “bootanimation” and Copy to SD Card
  •  Unmount your Droid.
  •  Open Root Explorer, tap on “sdcard” and locate bootanimation.zip.
  •  Long press on bootanimation.zip and choose “Move”.
  •  Hit the back button once and locate the “system” folder.
  • Tap and open “system” and then “media”.
  •  Hit “Paste” which should be an option at the bottom of your screen.
  •  If there is already a bootanimation.zip file, let Root Explorer overwrite it.
  •  Back out of Root Explorer and Reboot your phone.
  •  Enjoy your new Droid boot animation.

Alternate Method

  •  You have to be rooted.
  •  Rename downloaded .zip to bootanimation
  •  Copy to SD Card
  •  Open up Terminal Emulator on phone
  •  Insert following comands:
  1. su
  2. mount -o remount,rw -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system
  3. dd if=/sdcard/bootanimation.zip of=/system/media/bootanimation.zip
  4. Reboot


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